Why should you buy a new electric car?

With March around the corner and the new 24 plate cars on their way, we’re looking at why you should buy a new electric car.

Environmental impact

Electric cars produce no exhaust emissions, meaning they significantly reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases. Driving an electric vehicle allows you to contribute to a cleaner environment and help to combat climate change. By driving an electric car, you can reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to energy independence. As renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power become more prevalent, electric vehicles can be charged using clean and sustainable energy sources.

Cost saving

While the initial purchase price of an electric car may be higher than a fuel-powered vehicle (depending on the brand and model) the running and maintenance costs of an electric vehicle are significantly lower. Electricity itself is cheaper than petrol or diesel, and the lower amount of mechanical aspects mean lower maintenance and repair costs.


Electric cars typically have instant torque, providing smooth and quick acceleration. Additionally, electric motors are more efficient than internal combustion engines, resulting in better fuel economy and lower energy consumption. Electric cars operate quietly, reducing noise pollution; this absence of engine vibrations results in a smoother and more peaceful driving experience, enhancing overall comfort. Some high-performance EVs can rival or even surpass traditional sports cars..

Advancements in technology

EV technology is continuing to improve: battery range is increasing, charging infrastructure is expanding, and new models are hitting the market. As technology evolves, electric cars become more practical and convenient. Buying a new electric car ensures that you have access to the latest advancements in electric vehicle technology.

Health benefits

Electric cars contribute to better air quality by reducing tailpipe emissions. This positively impacts public health, especially in urban areas where air pollution is a concern. With electric cars becoming a firm favourite for city driving, the future of air pollution seems to be heading in the right direction.

If you’re looking to make the change to electric during this new plate month, explore our models and discover our offers.

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